CAMART2 timeline

An elaboration of the business plan of CAMART2 according to needs and demands of the national and Baltic Sea Region industry for R&D and technology transfer services in the field of advanced materials and technologies.

Phase 1: Elaboration of business plan. 01.06.2015 – 31.05.2016


  1. Assessment of existing situation in the ISSP UL regarding Human resources, skills and infrastructure in the frame of the innovation related with the national RIS3 strategy (Acreo)
  2. Elaboration of roadmaps for human resources, organizational change, administrative support and infrastructure development (KTH)
  3. Development of business plan for CAMART2 according to needs and demands of the national and Baltic Sea Region industry for R&D and technology transfer services in the field of advanced materials and technologies (ISSP UL).

Funding - 497 500 EUR

Phase 2: 5-7 years

Establishment of the excellence centre CAMART2


  1. Increase and prepare appropriate human resources, including bachelor's, master's, doctoral and postdoc activities in universities and ISSP UL;
  2. Develop technical expertise by staff and student training programs at KTH Electrum Laboratory and attracting highly qualified researchers from the project partner organizations and developing joint projects;
  3. Upgrade infrastructure using national and ERDF funding;
  4. Create Technology Transfer Centres as free access laboratories (Open Access Laboratories) in following fields:
    • Thin films and coatings technologies;
    • Electronic and photonic device prototyping.
  5. Develop the innovation system by using KTH and Acreo experience
  6. Implement research process control systems;
  7. Implement quality standards (such as ISO9000 / 9001);
  8. Establish a legal basis for successful integration projects with industry and spin-off companies;
  9. Achieve closer involvement in the European R & D & I networks
  10. Develop and implement marketing activities.

Possible funding:

  • up to 15 million euros Horizon 2020
  • 15 – 20 million euros from national, including ERDF, funding